Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dad was always telling stories about himself...

Why do you think Jeannette's dad tells such wonderful stories about himself? What does this say about his character? What kind of example is he setting for his children? (Respond in 3 to 5 sentences).


  1. Ms. DeMay, I'm done... angel

  2. I think the dad is a cheat and a fraud.

  3. well ms alrighttttttttttt ;) Marvin

  4. I think the reason Jeannette's dad tells such interesting stories is because he wants his children to see him as a hero. He thinks that perhaps his children think less of him because he can't always provide a lot or them so make himself look better he has to be the smartest, fastest and strongest for them. i think by telling these outrageous tales, he is teaching his children that he will expect them to be better than their peers in everything.

  5. Jeannette's dad probably tells such wonderful stories because he wishes to live a better life then the one he is living. This shows that he is a dreamer but his dreams seem a little far-fetch to me. At the same time he is he teaching his children to have hope.
    Brittany S.

  6. I think that the dad is a fake. He wants to give the imppression that he is a great father. but at the end of the day he's just a big liar. but all to impress his kids and hive them hope.

    * Jazmin B. :)

  7. I believe the dad tells such wonderful stories about himself so that his family can view him as this great person or "the hero". He may also be the type of person that lets their pride take over them and does not like to see himself as doing wrong and starts covering up his true identity with lies. He does all of this to satisfy himself and his family.

    *Mery L.

  8. Jeannette's dad has made a life for himself and his family of running. I think he tells such wonderful stories to take away from the reality he is living. If his family views him as a better person they are more inclined to follow him where he decides to go. Even if what they see in front of them is not as great as the dad in these stories. To him moving them around isn't enough, he also has to tell tales about his past.


  9. I think the dad tells wonderful stories about himself to make himself seem cool to his kids. when your young its always fun to sit around and think about how great and powerful your parents are. all though its meant for good and to help inhance the kids imagination it also sets them up for alot of disapointment. to me it teaches them to think outside the box and want to do big and great things in life.

  10. That comment is mine

  11. I believe he says stories like that to cover the mistakes or flaws he has as a parent. He may believe that if he embeds it in his kids mind that he is a "super" dad and an awesome person, that does awesome things, then as they grow up they will not notice his irresponsibilities. He may feel as if the wrong things he does as a parent can be covered up with those stories. I also believe it's his way to appear better to his children than he really is. They are always on the go and they don't really settle or own much as most families do so he wants to build their dreams up somehow.
    -Eliana Matos.

  12. Jeannet's dad tells such wonderful stories because he does have some goodness in him. He likes to talk to his kids about what his life was all about and his wonderful experiences. Rex is not a bad man. Hes just not a responsible guy, but im my opinion i think he has a nice heart, and that hes much more better parent than the monther. The type of example Rex is setting for his children is, when you have the opportunity to help someone/save someone, go for it. Dont just let it go because KARMA is a b$#@& ;)= MARVIN

  13. Well I believe Jeannette's dad tells great stories about himself because he wants his children to believe that he is a good and great man. Also just in case the police ask the children how does they're father treat them. They're respond would be positive because the day influence them to say those things. I believe he is a coward and he is setting wrong examples for his children he should be ashamed of himself. -Krystal <3

  14. I think that Jeannette's dad tells all of these wonderful stories to show that he is not a bad parent. I think that he just wants his kids to always remember the good thinks about him and not the bad. I also think that he tells these stories to cover up some of the bad things that he have done.
    - Alisa P

  15. I think that Jeannette's dad tells great stories of himself to his kids because he wants them to see that great side of him other than always having to run away all the time from the bill collectors. What this shows about his character is that he is a very dynamic and influential person. The examples he is setting is not a bad one but it isn't great either. He is telling these kids great stores and ignoring the position they are in.
    -Jennifer Saint-Surin :)

  16. I think Jeanette's father tells such wonderful stories to make himself seem more interesting to his children, to give a false sense that their dad is an incredible man. It speaks a lot about his character because it shows that he is a liar and will say anything to make himself look better. By telling all these lies, he is setting his children to lie about who they are and to cheat their way through life. ~ Danny Bui period 6th

  17. I think the dad tells wonderful stories about himself to his children so they could look up to him. Although he knows he had mad a few mistakes he wants to overcome them. He's also telling all these stories to make good impressions.

    - LALA :)

  18. I think the dad tells wonderful stories about himself to his children so that his children can look up to him and make them want to be like him. I would say that he is manipulative because hes not such a good role model for kids.
    - Joshua M.

  19. I think that the father tells such wonderful stories because he doesn't want his children and people to think that hes a bad parent. he doesn't want to face the truth that hes a bad parent. and that he hasn't done the right thing witch is be a good parent. - Rudi

  20. I feel that his dad although he might sound confident, he's actually guilty of the things he's done. Therefore he wants to give off the impression to his kids that he is this wonderful person. He doesn't want them to look down on him or feel disappointed in his wrong doings.

    - Carolyn

  21. I think the dad says stories because he trying to hide around that he was a bad father in the long road, he couldve been something better which makes him tells stories about the past.


  22. I think the dad is always making up stories about himself because it is his way of covering up the truth. i also think that if a person starts to lie espicially about the past to their children. I feel this way because children love to hear stories and they hold on to almost every word of the story you tell so once you lie you are now obligated to keep lying to keep up with the first lie that began the whole story. I also think that the father lies to make his life seem better than what it actually is. This lets me know that his character is very dishonest and is setting a bad example for his children because their life is based on lies their father told them.
    - DeAndra

  23. I think that jeannette's father realizes that he has went pretty much "down hill" in life. And so he , like any parent would, strive to give their children what they might have not had even amidst of literally not having anything at the moment. I feel his one who doesn't only dream , which are of a bit of a stretch, but he actually shows effort and shows determination and hardwork ethic along with dreaming big.
    -Victor Rizvi

  24. i think the dad makes up stories to make the kids feel better and so that they can look forward . he makes up things like "the glass castle" so the kids have something to look forward to. the dad is a liar but he lies for a good reason so that th kids can feel better.-jason th goon

  25. I think the dad says all these good stories because he sees himself as such a good dad when he's really not. He wants his kids to think he's the best but he's really not. This shows that he thinks very highly of himself and that he doesn't do anything wrong.I think he's trying to set a good example but he's not because he says all these wonderful stories but his actions say otherwise.

    Elizabeth Farfan

  26. To me the reason why I balieve he tells them those stories is because.they live a rough life and sometimmes the only escaape is fiction. Or in other words a life that doesn't exist in their reality. I think he's a wwonderful dad to teach them about the everyday good even though their life isn't.hhes also giving them the tools to be someone in life without lettinng the position in life interffear. Jonathan o

  27. Although he cannot provide as much as he would love to fo rhis family, he still wants to try and to be respected for that. He tells interesting stories about himself to be seen as a hero and a role model for his children; to make them see the better things in life and in thiers than to see how much they do not have and notice all the issues they deal with. Although he is a wise and creative, his actions speak otherwise.

    Anthony Duran
    Period: 6

  28. I agree with Deandra comment couldnt say any better from her observation from the father. I also agree with Roseline comment as well the father wants to tell stories to make him see as a hero but he really trying to impress himself a better person for most part to his children.


  29. I agree with Vick's comment. Parents always want to give their children the best, to give them what they never had. Since as a family they don't have much he tells stories to make them hope and dream.

    ~Brittany S.

  30. I believe Jeannette's dad tells such stories about himself. to give his kids the confidence and lesson throughout life he wants his kids to know. not only that but to be able to show and teach his kids what they should gain and what obstacles life has to offer and is expected to come. And as a father you only want the best for your children.
    - Serenity Smith

  31. I believe that jeannette's dad tells such wonderful stories because he tries to escape from the reality he has to face with, he cannot deal with the fact he had no kind of success throughout his life and all the problems that keep occuring.
    This shows that he is very self conscious about what he does and the way he lives his life, he hides behind the lies in order to set a good impression infront of others.
    The example he is setting for his kids is bad because he is filling their minds with all these ideas of how life is when he should just tell them what really goes on, that not everything is fed to you and you do not always get what you want as easy as he says.
    -Lizbeth Tejada

  32. I thing gabby may be on to something maybe the father doesnt want his kids to grow up thinking hes a bad parent. I mean what father would want his children to grow up to hate him. Jonathan o
